Industrial Agile

Video Library

The Master Schedule in an Agile Project

A Master Schedule is well known in classic project management, in this video Hubert explains that it is also present in an Industrial Agile project. 

The Product Increment in Scrum4HW

A deep-dive on the term “potentially shippable product increment”. This term in the Scrum Guide is often misunderstood. Hubert explains and illustrates how an increment is used in Industrial Agile.

Scrum4HW - the basics

An explanation of the Scrum framework when used in an industrial environment: product design, supply chain, manufacturing and more.

The Agile Manifesto - for Industrial Agile

The Agile Manifesto, the foundation for agile project management in software development, now explained as the basis for Industrial Agile.

The creation of the New Normal

Complexity theory applied to the Covid-19 pandemic, with some thoughts on how the “New Normal” is created. 

Five Levels of Planning

In 2006 Hubert wrote an article about long term planning in Scrum projects. It is still referenced by many. Thinking has further developed, and this article gives a cleaner view on the concept of long term planning, and the five levels of planning.

No Late Surprises

Why Agile? An often asked question, in this video a couple of thoughts on the benefits of agile project management vs. classic (waterfall) project management. With examples from Industrial Agile.

On Complexity

A basic explanation of complexity, based on the Cynefin framework as defined by Dave Snowden.

Scrum is Complex

Looking at Scrum, specifically from an industrial perspective, and how it fits complicated and complex situations.

Outside Comfort ZOnes

Change is created outside your comfort zone – this video has some thoughts on why and how, based on complexity thinking.